
Our Club meetings are held the first Monday of the month, September through June, at 7:00 p.m., at
European Imports in the Oak Mill Mall, 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles, IL 60714. Our meetings for the upcoming club year will
be held on September 8, October 6, November 3, December 8, January 5, February 2, March 1, April 5, May 3, and June 7. Come
join us!
The purpose of the club is to promote an interest in, to learn about, and to share information regarding collectibles made
by or for Department 56. We also we want to provide a social forum for our members.
Our Club Officers
President--Julie Jacky
Vice President--Kirk Wyllie
Treasurer--Rona Sander
Secretary--Debbie Domick
History of Our Club
It all began in Sept. 1991, when Joe Ehrlich
met with a group of collectors to see if there was an interest in starting a club. With an agenda any many ideas, this
club began. The following month the name Windy City 56'ers was decided upon. Several people volunteered to be
officers; members decided to collect dues and proceeded to make plans for the future.
They started slowly, designing a club logo
of three Christmas homes with the Chicago skyline in the background, which was then transferred to a 2 1/3 inch badge, and
the club was officially born. European Imports store owner, Ed Delgau, allowed the club to meet in front of his store
in the Oak Mill Mall foyer and kept them informed about the new buildings and accessories being added to the ever-growing
collections, conventions, and special events. The Club and European Imports have been together ever since.
The Windy City 56'ers have grown
from having a club badge to a six color cloisonne pin with the original design intact that is our trademark; from the original
20 members to the 100+ membership that we have today. We have updated our club banner from the original banner that
depicted our club logo in a rough fashion. We have designed club shirts that have come to be recognized in some circles
as the "Blue Squad". The Club pin won first place at the very first NCC Convention and two years later, our club shirt
won first place in People's Award category at the second convention, both in St. Paul, MN. The New Club Banner took
first place at the 98' Lancaster Convention. At the Bachman's Gathering in 1998, in Minneapolis, MN, the Club shirt
was awarded first place.
The Club has taken on a charitable project
of helping new born infants through Infants, Inc. This is done both in monies and donation of goods for the new babies.
The Windy City 56'ers has become a club
of friends who come together for hospitality and caring for each other; to share information about our hobby and enjoy the
friendships made both past and present. The Club involvement of everyone will only make us better. Being large
does not make us better, but being active, going places together, sharing ideas and thoughts give us the camaraderie that
we all enjoy. We, the Windy City 56'ers have something very special as a club as our members come from long distances
to be with each other at the meetings and other club events. It is very difficult to describe to someone who is not
a member that feeling of belonging.